zondag 28 maart 2010

Flashbacks ( part 1 )

As I am sitting at my desk in the office I am talking a bit with a QUAM friend about funny stuff that happened to us on our adventures. And I just couldn't help suddenly to think of that one time in Onne..

I was hanging out in Onne and I had noticed this velator around. After a while I notice that he seemed tempted to check out a belt. I come and have a look there and I see him like 40km off or something. He runs off to the gate.

[ 2010.02.28 14:41:57 ] Red Talavi > a red ship just jumped to me!!!
[ 2010.02.28 14:42:04 ] eviwyn > omg
[ 2010.02.28 14:42:05 ] eviwyn > where
[ 2010.02.28 14:42:14 ] eviwyn > i'll help you
[ 2010.02.28 14:42:28 ] Red Talavi > at a asteroid belt
[ 2010.02.28 14:42:42 ] eviwyn > go there. i'll come help you if he is there
[ 2010.02.28 14:42:47 ] eviwyn > tell me which belt
[ 2010.02.28 14:43:55 ] Red Talavi > belt 8/2
[ 2010.02.28 14:44:03 ] eviwyn > ok omw. you at 100km off?
[ 2010.02.28 14:44:35 ] Red Talavi > there were pirates again!
[ 2010.02.28 14:44:41 ] eviwyn > omg

at this point I notice the guy jumping over to a moon and I come and check out;)

[ 2010.02.28 14:46:12 ] Red Talavi > there it is again come!
[ 2010.02.28 14:46:16 ] eviwyn > omw

I approach him, but he is like 50km off.. so I try to keep him there

[ 2010.02.28 14:46:33 ] eviwyn > warping

I manage to point the little dude and as I activate my auto's and rocket launcher on his ship and as I kill him off and start working the scrambled pod. It's at this point where things go wrong. A dude named Tony interrupted the podkill.. but this is another story. Tony is somebody who followed me over from Molden Heath to Essence. I am happy things have gone quiet with him these days. But I will write more about what happened there later.

I also can't help thinking back to that one time where I found 2 miners mining in Ladistier..

I fly around a bit and what the hell:o. I get readings on scan. 'What the fuck is this', I think to myself. This can't be true:o. I see a Retriever on scan in the direction of a belt.. no pos:/.. huh.. no pos?,, I go check it out but it's not at the belt. I go back to previous location and scan some more. Damn.. there is an Itty around also:/.. WTF.
At this point I am already telling this to Lac and she is getting excited also and preps up to get out in her Proberazu;). I notice that they settle in a safe just right in front of that belt. It's funny as hell. I keep an eye on them. The itty seems to make a drop at the station here. The retriever seems to get out and grab him some goody from the belts. They have a container in the safe also. Hehe.. man I can't wait for Lac to arrive.
Lac arrives.. the retriever is still there:D.

Doesn't take long before we probe them out. I jump to Lac and I see her pounding away on the Retriever.

[ 2010.02.26 19:56:05 ] (notify) You have started trying to warp scramble Kitarija (Retriever).

We kill it off pretty quickly (http://hellcats.eve-kill.net/?a=kill_de ... id=5909972) <[ 2010.02.26 19:56:06 ] (notify) For your part in the destruction of a Retriever your security status has been adjusted by -0.3729.>, and at this point it's where it all gets even better.

[ 2010.02.26 19:56:18 ] (notify) You have started trying to warp scramble Aliya Thanos (Iteron Mark V).

Haha you got that right :D, that Itty came back also:D.. man this is our lucky day. Lac asks me what the plan is. We decide we will try to ransom this guy. I tell Lac to just pound him into structure and then break our guns down and I will open a convo with him. My guns are cycling at full speed, pounding EMP through it's hull and ramming my thorn rockets on the ship. I love this.. this is fucking great.
Okay.. there we are. I order my crew to shut down all weapons and Lac does the same.. .. .. .. I push the buttons and try to open comms with the target ship.

*crackles and peeps*

... *
more crackles* eviwyn > 20M and your free
[ 2010.02.26 19:57:53 ] eviwyn > pay now 30 sec
[ 2010.02.26 19:57:57 ] Aliya Thanos > So - gonna get ransom
[ 2010.02.26 19:58:18 ] Aliya Thanos > got 5,2 mil i can
[ 2010.02.26 19:58:24 ] eviwyn > 10M
[ 2010.02.26 19:58:34 ] eviwyn > no lower
[ 2010.02.26 19:58:35 ] Aliya Thanos > Is it alkl i owe

I tell Lac to open fire again and I activate my auto's and rocket launcher again on the ship. Sorry.. I like the kill better then to be honest;).. I wanted to go lower.. but not even lower.. be smart.. bring money..

[ 2010.02.26 19:58:47 ] Aliya Thanos > guys
[ 2010.02.26 19:58:55 ] Aliya Thanos > its true
[ 2010.02.26 19:59:20 ] Aliya Thanos > f u
[ 2010.02.26 19:59:25 ] eviwyn > u too

I see the ship explode.. I keep ready to point the pod since he probably will be stupid enough to have implants also. Damn.. my ship's computer informes me of the splendid news .. fuck.. yea well.. at least we got the ship (http://hellcats.eve-kill.net/?a=kill_de ... id=5909950).

In local the guy goes on

[ 2010.02.26 20:02:54 ] Aliya Thanos > thx u b....
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:08 ] Lacrimae > Should teach you not to mine for yourself in lowsec
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:13 ] Lacrimae > consider it a friendly lesson :)
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:14 ] Aliya Thanos > would have given u my last
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:22 ] eviwyn > bring enough money
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:23 ] eviwyn > next time
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:27 ] eviwyn > we would have let you go
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:32 ] Lacrimae > you were too slow, sorry. And don't fly what you can't afford to lose
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:39 ] Aliya Thanos > I was just the carrieds
[ 2010.02.26 20:03:45 ] Aliya Thanos > carrier
[ 2010.02.26 20:04:06 ] eviwyn > we will implement a pass system soon also. So you can do this freely around here. but we are still working on it. If you want to be informed about it then send me a mail
[ 2010.02.26 20:04:56 ] Lacrimae > would have ransomed your friend as well, but alas, my drones were hungry

yea well thanks for being so friendly to me. I am the nice one damnit.. READ MY BIO:p.. I am nice.. don't be so nasty to me. I'm not a bitch:p.. Bring money.. pay us.. then you are free.

The guy does send me a friendly mail later on about how he wants to be kept informed about
the montly passage money;).. hehe.. seems we got ourselves another customer maybe after

We divide the loot after our GCC is out and go our own way both.

......... Somebody shakes my shoulder gently, shaking me out of my pondering.. it's one of my deck officers. He is calling me out to the strategic office to discuss a few incomming reports. Okay.. time to work again..

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